About Us

Måleriföretagen is an industry and employer organisation with the objective of developing professional painting in Sweden. We do this by, amongst others, offering qualified expert services in our member services, developing the industry, and improving the general conditions and business terms for our member companies and the industry at large.

We have a presence throughout the country in seven regions. Our head office is located on Skepsbron in Stockholm and our regional offices are in Umea, Gothenburg, Malmö and Stockholm. We have some 1000 members representing 85 per cent of all employees in the painting industry.

Our vision is to be the best and most modern industry and employer organisation, attracting all serious companies working in the painting industry to become members.

Måleriföretagen is a member of Svenskt Näringsliv, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.


Måleriföretagen has approximately 1000 member companies. Måleriföretagen in Sweden is divided into seven regions, led by elected representatives from each region.

Kongressen (The congress) is Måleriföretagen’s highest decision-making body and takes place every other year. The congress deals with matters such as member fees, any changes in the statues and motions put forth by members. The congress also nominates the Swedish board. The MD manages the operations of the organisation.

Måleriföretagen in Sweden is the parent company of a group consisting of a wholly owned subsidiary, Måleriföretagen i Sveriges Service aktiebolag.


As a member you have access to a range of services that are useful in your business. For example, the membership includes free legal advice and negotiation support. You can also receive help with questions regarding employer issues, working environment or collective agreements. You also have access to our members’ website where you will find a large range of forms, templates, statistics, entrepreneur indices and other industry-related information. We will constantly update you on what is happening in the industry and in the rest of the world, through our newsletter and other such channels. We also offer a wide range of training courses.

As a member you additionally have access to exclusive discounts, for example, on cars, fuel and insurance. 

As a member you also have the possibility to offer your customers our Customer Satisfaction Guarantee that offers private customers a two-year guarantee on jobs carried out by member companies. This provides the customer an added level of confidence and is a competitive advantage in your marketing and sales work.

Lastly, you gain access to a broad network and new contacts via Måleriföretagen.


» Application for membership

» Måleriföretagen i Sverige´s Articles of Association

» Conditions for Måleriföretagen i Sverige’s Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

» Ethical Rules of the Swedish Construction Sector

» The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

» ID06